Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gettin' Some Action

Yes, I have been gettin' some action, I really mean some Actions. There is just so much to learn in Photoshop and I guess I just never really devoted much to playing around with the Action function until the other day, now I'm hooked!

My niece Nicole , sent me a link for her favorite Action website, check it out alot of cool actions and information. You can bet that I bookmarked this one and I will be following MCP Actions Blog from now on. I, of course had my own favorite Freebie Action website Rita the owner of Coffeteaphotography creates all of the Actions and shares them with everyone for Free, of course donations are always welcome. I think Rita does a great job with her actions and the information on her site, be sure download some of her freebies.

This is one of Rita's actions, the Perfect Portrait. I think the name says it all. This photo is now brighter and Ryleigh is glowing. You know I'll be using this action again.

Here is another one of Rita's actions. I think is kind of gave this photo an Orton effect, by softening the photo. At the end of the action there were a few different glazes to choose from, I chose the Strawberry Glaze, doesn't it sound yummy!

Thanks Niki for getting me some Action, I'm hooked. Let me know what you think of these photos that I played around with.

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